2022.02.25 - Resuming Announcements

The MRTD Lab annoucements will resume after a 2-year hiatus. Here is a short list of key research highlights past two years.

— Graduate Students Jacob Goes and Vivian Nguyen have multiple research presentations this spring (ISMRM in London UK, CSCTR in Chicago, BME Dept Seminar on-campus).

— Rising Senior (‘23) Griffin Young commits to Master of Science Thesis research in the MRTD Lab.

— Senior (‘22) Oluwateniola (Teni) Akinwale is again selected as recipient of prestigious Armour College of Engineering PURE fellowship for her final semester research!

— Hyperfine Swoop is now deployed in the MRTD Lab at IIT (Jan 20 2022). Jacob Goes and Vivian Nguyen are vendor-trained on this system (Feb 2, 2022)

— Graduate student Fei Mo has graduated from IIT with her MS degree in BME! (Dec 21 2021)

— Graduate Student Fei Mo presents an oral talk on her research at the BMES conference (Virtual, Oct 2021)

— Undergraduate Junior (‘23) Cassandra (Cassie) Carlson is selected as a recipient of the Pritzker Institute’s RES-Match fellowship for Fall 2021 research!

— Senior (‘22) Mohammad Haque secures a one-semester co-op position in Cleveland, OH!

— Graduate student Fei Mo successfuly defended her MS thesis (July 15 2021)

— Rising Senior (‘22) Oluwateniola (Teni) Akinwale is selected as recipient of prestigious Armour College of Engineering PURE fellowship for summer research!

— Graduate students Emily Tao (Math), Mark Dhom (BME-ECE), Kimberly Reglos (BME-ECE), and Kian Madani (ECE-BME) have graduated from IIT with Masters degrees (May 14 2021)!

— Undergraduate students Marissa Redington (BME ‘23), Khiem Nguyen (CS ‘23), and Stephanie Brink (BME ‘22) are selected as the recipients of the Pritzker Institute’s RES-Match fellowship for spring 2021 research!

— Graduate student Blessing Obioma has graduated from IIT with her MS degree in BME! (August 20 2020)

— Seniors Yung-Chuan (William) Yang, Madison Davis, and Fei Mo graduate with their BS degrees in BME (May 6 2020)!!!

— Graduate student Blessing Obioma successfuly defended her MS thesis (May 6 2020)

— Graduate students Tsubasa Maeda (Gifu U), Jacob Goes and Blessing Obioma are co-authors for their research in Deep Learning at the 2020 CSCTR Conference in Chicago, IL (April 2020)

— Undergraduate Junior (‘21) Rosie Kwan (BME) is selected as the recipient of the Pritzker Institute’s RES-Match fellowship for Spring 2020 research!

— Graduate student Jacob Goes presents his research at the 2020 SCMR Conference in Orlando, FL