Contribution to Education

The Magnetic Resonance Technology Development Lab personnel wear multiple hats as educators, researchers, and students. The scope of this research is both focal (i.e. in the engineering design of Magnetic Resonance Technology), and broad (i.e. spans disciplines beyond Biomedical Engineering, and tailored to audiences including high school students, undergraduate and graduate students, professionals including physicians and industry scientists). 

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Initiative 1:  Educating Engineering Students in Clinical Sciences

One critical goal of biomedical engineering (BME) education is to provide effective training in the clinical sciences. While unique challenges exist in providing such training in the traditional engineering school setting (that is not a hospital), the converse is also true: academic hospitals also face challenges in establishing research and design that require sophisticated engineering. 

Hence, there is a significant need for a strong collaboration between engineering and medicine. This holds true for education of our future engineers and physicians.

Through a strong collaboration with the University of Chicago Medical Center, we are building at the Illinois Institute of Technology a lean, clinical BME exchange program to immerse our students into gaining project-based research experience in the clinical hospital setting.

See examples here:

Initiative 2:  Serving the Professional Community

We also serve in disseminating specific knowledge and expertise to new investigators who will greatly benefit from our expertise. These are done through societal lecture series, as well as invited speaker events. 

See here for our service to the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, for which we served the physicians in the Chicago-area and beyond.

The SCMR Chicago workshop lecture (April 28, 2018), is available here for download by PDF, and here for the powerpoint

See also below for our service to the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).  

Shareable lecture slides for the 2018 ISMRM (compliant prior to Day 1 embargo) on the June 18 Cardiac Motion Correction sunrise lecture can be found here; a subset of slides on 2D Navigators; Radial Methods; Systems Engineering; and Post-processing can be found by clicking on the above links, respectively.



Initiative 3:  Teaching BME at Illinois Institute of Technology

In Fall 2018, Dr. Kawaji is teaching the BME 309 Biomedical Imaging course. 

The current version of the course syllabus can be found here (ver 2018.05.16)

This syllabus is expected to get modified by the beginning of the semester.