2018.02.06 - LaunchX Chicago Event on March 3rd

Dr. K is sharing the news that the LaunchX program is holding a regional Chicago event on March 3rd.  If any undergraduate or graduate student may be available on this date to check out this event in Downtown Chicago, I would highly recommend this!  


From the website description:

"LaunchX Clubs Midwest Regional Demo Day is an event hosted by teen entrepreneurs, for teen entrepreneurs. 

Demo Day is a event to celebrate the progress of high school startup founders, while providing these entrepreneurs with support to continue to grow their businesses. Students in the LaunchX Clubs program have  been building their companies since September, conducting market research, prototyping, seeking feedback, iterating, selling, and building their business operations. Demo Day is an opportunity for these innovative, out-of-the-box thinkers to come together from across the midwest to showcase their progress and build connections with like-minded entrepreneurs. We are excited to welcome teams from around the region who will present their ventures within our year's theme of environmental sustainability to a group of experienced professionals from the local business and entrepreneurship ecosystem. "